Audit Management System
- Schedule, Conduct and Evaluate audits efficiently -
An automated audit management system that enables you to evaluate audit results and calculating compliance percentage / score or each site at a central location.
Audit Management
- Generate audit data through excel upload.
- Define audit frequency (Weekly / Monthly / Quarterly / Yearly)
- After completing an audit, system will automatically set the date for next audit based on the defined audit frequency.
- Feature to schedule audits on Ad-hoc basis.
- Assign the audits to specific site or to all sites.
- Assign checklist to each audit.
- Configure checkpoints under each checklist.
- Configure rating / score for each checkpoint.
Audit Execution
- As per the configured frequency, each site supervisor will see the upcoming audits in To-Do list.
- Responsible person can start the audit on set date.
- When user starts the audit, checklist configured for selected audit will be displayed.
- User can record answers (YES / NO OR 1 / 0) from provided dropdown list. User can also enter remarks against each checkpoint.
- User can upload supporting documents / images for each checkpoint.
- Management will get notified upon completing the audit.
- NOK checkpoints will still be displayed as OPEN ITEMS against site supervisor. User can close the open item as and when it is completed.
- Management will be able to see all the open items for all sites until they are completed.
- Reminder will be sent to audit responsible person and management based on ageing of open items.
Audit Evaluation
- Upon submitting the audit, a PDF report will be generated based on the OK / NOK AND scores entered against each checkpoint.
- Minimum benchmark score for each audit can be configured. If particular audit scores less than benchmark score, notification will be sent to the management.
- Management can see scores for all the completed audits at a glance.
- Management will have feature to see audit reports for all the current and historical audits.
Reporting Module
Site-wise audit status
Overdue/ missed audit report
Checkpoint-wise audit report
Identifying repetitive checkpoint failures