- Continuous Improvement Management Software -
A system where employees of a company can share their ideas
for improvements within the company
Proposed Solution
- A centralized system where each team member can login and post the ideas.
- Supervisor / Manager can approve or reject the ideas through the proposed centralized system.
- Whether the posted idea is on time or delayed can be tracked online.
- Current status for each milestone for each CI can be tracked separately.
- A feature to upload supporting documents like word files, PDF documents, images etc.
- Real time view of CI progress for management.
- Reduction of dedicated manpower required to manually track, consolidate and report CI data.
A dashboard and EXCEL file based report download to be provided to management so that the reports can be generated as and when required.
Below is list of reports provided
Consolidated CI status report
Milestone-wise CI status report
Category-wise CI report
Employee-wise status report
Overall cost saving (Hard cost and soft cost saving)
Excel based report download